Saturday, 21 May 2016

My Reading Cycle

I guess I never really realised that I had a sort of reading rhythm or anything. I just read I guess...

But yeah I am going to break it down into a few parts and explain how I read and other things and stuff.

My Personal Favourite Format. Paperbacks and Hardbacks. Though I do read PDF books and digital books for ARCS I don't really enjoy the formatting, for me I can't really concentrate on looking at a screen for long periods of time plus I get distracted by Youtube, Goodreads and physical books. I prefer Physical books because you can hold them and too me they are comforting and inviting.
My Reading Pace. I think for me it depends on how much I am icing the book or how determined I am to finish a book. If I have a whole day to read I can read a book that is about 300-400 pages in a day and also start another book. If I am as busy as I have been recently 400-500 pages takes sadly 2-3 days which I am trying to stop as I really miss not being able to complete a book in 2 days. Sad Face.

Reading In The Day. I read mostly in the day, the only day where I hardly get to read is a Sunday but sadly that can't be helped. Normally I start reading about 10 or later or sometimes when I wake up which is around 6:30-7:00. I will read on and off through they day and manage around 50 -100+ pages on a average sort of busy day.

Reading At Night. This is the least reading time I have as I tend to just sit and watch Booktubers and forget I intended to read or I will be reading and somehow a booktuber will somehow come on so then of course I watch them oblivious to my calling book. Sometimes I can get in a hour os so of reading sometimes more it does depend on what is happening in the book and my mood though.

 What Genres Do I Read. Starting to get into Graphic Novels but my favourites are: Fiction, Fantasy, YA, Chick-lit, Classics, Contemporary, Crime, Romance and Sc-Fi. Some of these genres I have loved for quite some time and some are fairly new to me, it has been great exploring more genres and I love knowing that theres books in all different genres that are there for me to love.

Snacks and Beverages. I don't really drink anything when I am reading simply because I get too sucked into my book and forget that I am a human who need food, drink and to use a bathroom. If I do remember that me a human wants a drink I will normally make a Tea or Coffee and the same with snacks I forget I get hungry but if there is biscuits about I will take them...all. 

Books I Read Per Month. Really it depends on what is going on that month the most I have read is 15 last year in one month and this year the highest is 12 so far and the lowest is 8 books per month but I am aiming to get higher than 12 within this year. My goal for May has been 13 books and so far (20th of May) I have read 9 but one is a Graphic Novel but I'm counting it as personally it takes me loner than just reading because I have to take in a picture.

How Much My Reading Has Changed Over the Years. There has been a massive improvement these last 4 years into reading. I have found so many amazing books and also found some really bad ones, I have started this blog (woooo). I have found books that made me cry, laugh maniacally in public, made me feel uncomfortable or even made me want to chuck the book agains a wall. I feel I have found my place in the world and I know it belongs besides books, I know I want a career involving book and just books why not.

Habits Whilst Reading. Hmmm... I like watching Booktubers whilst I read or music. I love to be curled up and comfortable, no one can speak to me when I am reading I won't care nor listen to anyone unless they discuss food then yeah I might pulley myself out the book if it is worth it. I normally end up having page goals so like if I am on page 10 I won't get a drink or check media until I am on page 20 or something like that, I'm not sure why I do this but somehow made it a habit.

How I Deal With My TBR. I manage through until I buy more books I need and also don't need at the same time, what I tend to do is just stand and stare at all the covers until I look at one that pulls me to it... Sometimes I can stand there a while and just completely zone out which I honestly quite like. Currently I have over 70 books to read I am pretty sure, I also am fully swear the pile will grow more and the possibility of ever having a small amount of TBR is never happening.

Hope you liked it.
Anastasia x

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