Thursday, 12 May 2016

5 Things I don't like about Young Adult (YA) Books.

So I have been reading YA for a few years now and when you read YA I tend to find books that I won't go near. Or just by reading the synopsis know that it's a YA book I really don't want to read.

So here is the 5 things I don't like about YA books.

  1. The YA books that have a love triangle in that doesn't actually need to be there. I'm just over the whole 'oh but I him but then again my heart belongs to the other guy'. I just can't stand the triangles.
  2. Books set in high school. I get that high school is important but doesn't really mean I want to read about the traumatic times in high school and the american high schools are so cliché in books with the cheerleader bitches and softball assholes.... I'll pass thanks.
  3. Books that have a love story in them that take over the book until there is nothing but a love story. In my opinion a book can be great without actually having to have a love story jammed in there for no good reason, I have read some great stories that have had love stories in them but it hash't token over the book it's just been nestled in there to make you feel the feels.
  4. Books about a summer fling. To me thats not a reality nor something I want to read about. The whole whirlwind summer romance thing is just too much for me.
  5. Books where the main character has the perfect unrealistic ending. I don't mind when the book has a good ending or even a cliffhanger, but I can't stand when there is a big unrealistic ending that didn't really need to be there. 

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