Saturday, 7 May 2016

End Of Days by Susan Ee

To find the first book:
To find the second book:

This is the third and last book in Penryn and the End of Days.

So there was a lot to be patched up in the third book we have locusts, angels vs humans, raffe and his wings I mean there is a lot plus a lot of expectations on how the trilogy will end from my point.The last book was great it was a good ending that I was pleased with but it was the grand finale I was truly hoping for.

I loved the humour throughout the book especially considering whats happening it's quite refreshing. The comebacks and humour between Raffe and Penryn was so hilarious and greta too I really loved it, it gave the book a more personal twist.

The fight between Angels and Humans continues on by now they have created a new aerie at Alcatraz a prison before the apocalypse, where they grow and strengthen the locust using humans to feed their hunger. The humans are fighting back The Resistance gets stronger and stronger devising attacks and gaining more people along the way.

Penryn has found her family trying to keep them together no matter what, The Resistance are not keen on the escapees from the aerie knowing they are not exactly human coming alive when they were sure they were dead. Penryn has a bounty out for her after she kills an Angel in an attack being named 'The Angel Slayer' claiming anyone who brings her to the angels gets immunity and safety from the Angels.

Raffe still hasn't gotten his wings after going into surgery and being tricked into leaving his old feathered wings in exchange for bat wings, a sign of hell meaning he could never return with the other Angels because of them.

The trials for the Messenger from god is getting closer with Angels getting wary and Uriel scheming and creating human beasts trying to make a plague to set onto the humans to try and finish them off once and for all.

Anastasia x

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