Saturday, 28 May 2016

Dark Divinity by Amy Braun

Dark Divinity is the second in the amazing trilogy Cursed by Amy Braun. To catch the book review of the first in the trilogy Demon Daughter click on this link:

My thoughts on Dark Divinity:
Overall I really enjoyed the book, the writing was really efficient, vivid and just capturing. I really enjoyed the flashbacks throughout the entirety of the book it helped weave the history more than the first book making it like a dot to dot with all the history.

There was a few times in the book where the vividness of the book made me shudder, feel queasy
and outright shiver leaving goosebumps up and down my arms. They scenes were so very well detailed at parts it was so hard to read without getting a full mental image of the incidents it was just amazing.

The effortless way Amy writes pulled me in and trapped me, I love the fact that she has completely created a new untold way for Angles vs Demons to be in the same book without it being cliché which happens so much with many books now.

The amount of information and detail that has been poured into Dark Divinity is just outstanding, I feel there is more detail in Dark Divinity compared to Demons Daughter but the action was more in Demons Daughter compared to Dark Divinity.

I feel the transition between Demons Daughter and Dark Divinity is really smooth making it so much easier to jump from Demons Daughter to Dark Divinity without having to scrabble aground to remember everything that had happened no matter how long the gap was between both the books.

About Dark Divinity:
The gates to Hell and Heaven are open bringing chaos and destruction down to earth. Lucifer the most dangerous, most powerful person from hell used his daughter Andromeda (Dro), to open both the gates. The underground place where they found Lucifer, the creatures from hell and the with a witch called Isobel who was a neighbour to the sisters Constance and Andromeda when they lived with their parents.

They escaped with two angels who where helping them Sephiel and Rorikel, John Warrick a Demondhunter that knew Max and Manny (Max is physic amongst other abilities and Manny a Demonologist). Constance and Dro found Max and Manny out of desperation and has stayed with them since protecting each others families. They where safe until Drake Bounty Hunter for the Blood Thorns a Mexican Drug cartel that Constance once worked at to keep her and her sister safe. 

Dro becomes more and more powerful the more she uses her powers both the Hellfire and Anglefire, the hell powers taking a pull on Dro the more she uses the powers.

Constance and Dro escaped from the Blood Thorns clasps when Isobel turned up asking for Dro. 

It's a race against time to shut the Gates of Heaven and Hell, making sure the Demons don't create chaos and for Angels to stop trying to irradiate the Human race.


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

A Reading Update/ TBR Meltdown

So last month (23/4/2016). I had just over 70 physical books that I owned in Paperback/Hardbacks that needed to be read. Somehow I have mated to get that total up to 84 books this month not including 1 Graphic Novel, 3 Comic Samples, 6 Arcs, 1 Old Comic and 5 Short Stories!

I don't know where I went wrong really, This months (May 25th) I have read 9 books so far and in April I read 8 books. Not including my good reads TBR which is over 100 books. I just love buying books, where I live there is so many places to get second hand, cheap books and that just widens my book reading genres. It makes me so happy because I could have £10 and buy over 10 books with that money, unlike the bookstores where books are priced £7.99 or over per book unless you get the By One Get One Free deals but even then it's still pricey

I just love the experience of walking in to a shop and going to the secondhand book section, taking a second to breathe in the beautiful smell of old must books, I love the fact that someone else has read the same book, someone cherished it and enjoyed the books, for me that just adds to the book experience and high tens my interest in the book.

Currently I am reading 3 books 2 are Arcs for Authors and the other is rather slow process. I do like the books but I have to admit I am liking the 2 Arcs more than Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. They just seem more out there and different, they break more boundaries, connections to the plot itself and I just personally like them more.

Anastasia x

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

My Opinion on Goodreads

For anyone that doesn't know what Goodreads is, it is a book media where you can rate and review all the books you have read, set up personal book challenges for the year plus update them, find new books to read, start up a TBR with Goodreads, add book enthusiasts and talk about books with them or join groups related to books.

So I will start wit the positive things:

I love adding over people who love books as much as me, it makes me feel that I'm not alone in this book world, I love having an account of what books I have read and also what books I want to read all in one place. Since being on Goodreads I have so many great books that I want to read that are slightly different from what I normally read which is great since I can broaden my horizons.

Friendly people. I have met some really lovely people since starting on the site, I've talked to a good few people and started on some amazing groups! So far I have had a positive experience on Goodreads and I really am enjoying it. Also I'm really enjoying reading books and also posting what I'm feeling about the book or how far I am coming along with the book it makes the reading experience so much more fun.

Lets go on to Cons.
I would count this as a con, wanting too many books. There are so many books I have wanted to read since starting out on there and then of course I made it worse buy asking for recommendations... probably shouldn't of done that, plus you get to see pictures of books and some where just so pretty or beautiful I just had to click Want To Read I just had to.

Reviews, some of the reviews have been rather horrid. I have seen some before when I was not a member and some where just really harsh, more like having a rant than actually putting a review with formed sentences and explanations of the books. I think as a review you have to try and say positives with the negatives to show that you can put Pros and Cons to make it a level review with your opinion in there. I don't see the point in just hating a book and then sending a shitty review without  real reason for hating the book.

Personally I like to try and keep the good and the bad in a book review I don't want to be harsh simply because that is just not how I am.

So that's my opinion on Goodreads.
Anastasia x

Monday, 23 May 2016

My Sad Book Lending Story

So many moons ago ( about 4+ years) I had a book friend who shan't be named for obvious reasons, so one day we decided to swap some books so we can enjoy some books we each love. The person gave me a few books to read including The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins amongst rough 5 books she lent me.

The conditions were that the books were not meant to be kept and that we would give the books back after we finished them. I gave the person who shan't be named a whole bunch of books including books that actually meant something to me and ones I had fell in love with.

So a few weeks pass and the person who shan't be named asked for The Hunger Games back which I said sure too since at that point I wasn't interested in reading the trilogy at all. Months went on and the person who shan't be named hadn't read any of the books I lent to them nor did they seem that interested to anyway.

A few years had past and we had both gone separate ways, moved house and other things. In 2014 I was so upset with what had happened as I was willing to give back the few books I had left from the person who shan't be named had lent me but they hadn't even contacted me about giving back the books I had left to them. Anyway in 2014 I sent them a message basically saying how appalled I was with them not exchanging the books back or trying to do anything to resolve the situation. Especially since they were a book person too who was meant to cherish books and reading.

To this message I get a reply where I have to do all the running about and collecting of the books because she was at Uni, this was sort of fair enough but the fact that they never once apologised for this nor when they were clearing out to moved to Uni did they think that maybe they should get in contact regarding the books that they knew were mine and should of been given back.

This was such a bad experience and I am so careful now with lending out books which I have to say i haven't done since as I don't want this to happen again not only did they keep books that meant a great deal to me but also these book cost money which I choses to spend on books because why shouldn't I.

So the lesson of this story is be really careful when lending or borrowing because if they lend you a book it does not mean it is automatically yours and you should look after the book and make sure not to ruin it.

Anastasia x

Saturday, 21 May 2016

My Reading Cycle

I guess I never really realised that I had a sort of reading rhythm or anything. I just read I guess...

But yeah I am going to break it down into a few parts and explain how I read and other things and stuff.

My Personal Favourite Format. Paperbacks and Hardbacks. Though I do read PDF books and digital books for ARCS I don't really enjoy the formatting, for me I can't really concentrate on looking at a screen for long periods of time plus I get distracted by Youtube, Goodreads and physical books. I prefer Physical books because you can hold them and too me they are comforting and inviting.
My Reading Pace. I think for me it depends on how much I am icing the book or how determined I am to finish a book. If I have a whole day to read I can read a book that is about 300-400 pages in a day and also start another book. If I am as busy as I have been recently 400-500 pages takes sadly 2-3 days which I am trying to stop as I really miss not being able to complete a book in 2 days. Sad Face.

Reading In The Day. I read mostly in the day, the only day where I hardly get to read is a Sunday but sadly that can't be helped. Normally I start reading about 10 or later or sometimes when I wake up which is around 6:30-7:00. I will read on and off through they day and manage around 50 -100+ pages on a average sort of busy day.

Reading At Night. This is the least reading time I have as I tend to just sit and watch Booktubers and forget I intended to read or I will be reading and somehow a booktuber will somehow come on so then of course I watch them oblivious to my calling book. Sometimes I can get in a hour os so of reading sometimes more it does depend on what is happening in the book and my mood though.

 What Genres Do I Read. Starting to get into Graphic Novels but my favourites are: Fiction, Fantasy, YA, Chick-lit, Classics, Contemporary, Crime, Romance and Sc-Fi. Some of these genres I have loved for quite some time and some are fairly new to me, it has been great exploring more genres and I love knowing that theres books in all different genres that are there for me to love.

Snacks and Beverages. I don't really drink anything when I am reading simply because I get too sucked into my book and forget that I am a human who need food, drink and to use a bathroom. If I do remember that me a human wants a drink I will normally make a Tea or Coffee and the same with snacks I forget I get hungry but if there is biscuits about I will take them...all. 

Books I Read Per Month. Really it depends on what is going on that month the most I have read is 15 last year in one month and this year the highest is 12 so far and the lowest is 8 books per month but I am aiming to get higher than 12 within this year. My goal for May has been 13 books and so far (20th of May) I have read 9 but one is a Graphic Novel but I'm counting it as personally it takes me loner than just reading because I have to take in a picture.

How Much My Reading Has Changed Over the Years. There has been a massive improvement these last 4 years into reading. I have found so many amazing books and also found some really bad ones, I have started this blog (woooo). I have found books that made me cry, laugh maniacally in public, made me feel uncomfortable or even made me want to chuck the book agains a wall. I feel I have found my place in the world and I know it belongs besides books, I know I want a career involving book and just books why not.

Habits Whilst Reading. Hmmm... I like watching Booktubers whilst I read or music. I love to be curled up and comfortable, no one can speak to me when I am reading I won't care nor listen to anyone unless they discuss food then yeah I might pulley myself out the book if it is worth it. I normally end up having page goals so like if I am on page 10 I won't get a drink or check media until I am on page 20 or something like that, I'm not sure why I do this but somehow made it a habit.

How I Deal With My TBR. I manage through until I buy more books I need and also don't need at the same time, what I tend to do is just stand and stare at all the covers until I look at one that pulls me to it... Sometimes I can stand there a while and just completely zone out which I honestly quite like. Currently I have over 70 books to read I am pretty sure, I also am fully swear the pile will grow more and the possibility of ever having a small amount of TBR is never happening.

Hope you liked it.
Anastasia x

Thursday, 19 May 2016

BOOKS I NEED *Warning There is ALOT of books on this list*

Okay yeah I admit I have a problem and I'm really okay with that...I lied. I love books so much that i tend to but way too many with money I don't really have and then wait months to read them because there is already 70+ books on my wardrobe that are waiting for me to read them as well.

And then of course I see more all over the internet that look so pretty or have been recommend and then of course I need them in my life because I can't borrow book (will explain in the next blog).

So anyway there is so many books that I want to get in the future and some of them are books from a trilogy/series.

  • Abhorsen/The Creatures in the Case & Goldenhand all by Garth Nix
  • Suicide Forest by Jeremy Bates
  • The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith 
  • The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
  • Across the Universe & A Million Suns by Beth Revis
  • The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
  • Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chaada
  • All The Feels by Danika Stone 
  • Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined by Stephanie Meyer 
  • Tape by Steve Camden 
  • The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani
  • Spirit's Key by Edith Cohn
  • Dumplin by Julie Murphy 
  • The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon
  • The Black Guard by A.J Smith
  • Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
  • Falling into Place by Amy Zhang
  • Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
  • Girl In Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow
  • The Princess Saves Herself In This One by Amanda Lovelace
  • Unrivaled by Alyson Noel
  • Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins 
  • Graceling by Kristin Cashore
  • Coraline by Neil Gaiman
  • Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
  • Ruby Red by Kerstin Geir 
  • A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
  • A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness 
  • Passenger by Alexandra Bracken 
  • After You by Jojo Moyes
  • Everyone We've Been by Sarah Everett
  • Firstlife by Gena Showalter
  • The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
  • Soundless by Richelle Mead
  • Beautiful Chaos Kami Grace 
  • Ready Player one Ernest Cline
  • Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge 
  • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Sáenz Alire
  • All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
  • Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater
  • Falling Apart by Jacqueline Wilson 
  • Just One Night by Gayle Forman 
  • Ransom My Heart by Meg Cabot
  • Sugar and Spice by Lauren Conard
  • Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi
  • The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
  • Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
  • Soulless by Gail Carriger 
  • To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han 
  • The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler
  • I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Top 10 Titles

Sometimes you pick up a book in a bookshop you swore you wouldn't go into because you don't have any money and you know you can just go window shopping. So anyway you pick up the book and stare at the title, it captures your eyes and drowns them with the powerful words that shield the book from you.

The title is maybe just one word or maybe even made up with your favourite words, and within that second you know you need this book...

So yeah thats how much the title holds power over me, for me the cover has to have the whole package I have to love the cover and the title forget the synopsis I never really go by them. The title for me is important because I want to see within that sentence or even that word what the book has in store for me. It has to be half relevant to what the book is about otherwise it is unlikely it will grab my attention.

Here is my top Ten titles:

  • Magonia by Maria Dahvanna Headley 
  • Any Red Blooded Girl by Maggie Blood
  • UnEnchanted by Chanda Hahn
  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 
  • Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
  • The Rest Of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness 
  • Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 
  • Butterfly Summer by Anne-Marie Conway
  • Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige 
  • Just One Day by Gayle Forman 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Demons Daughter by Amy Braun

WOW just wow. Amy Braun has knocked it out of the park with this killer book!.

I have read a few books based on the theme Amy has in Demons Daughter but I can say with the upmost confidence that none of them compare to this. The book is so well written full of facts and information yet not completely revealing anything too much which made me very eager to find out as much as I can as soon as I could.

Something that I really love about Demons Daughter is the strong sisterly bond between Constance and Dro, how determined Constance is to protect her little sister from things beyond her. The fierceness and sheer determination Amy writes about between the two really struck a chord with me, I felt like I was truly experiencing the bond they shared like it was that was Constance but also Dro too.

I feel the book was so well written, there wasn't too many plot twists at the beginning and it also felt like Amy was holding back, not quite revealing things making me feel two steps short and left in the dark when the mind blowing plot twists struck one after another. I loved that so much because I wasn't prepared for what was in store, I was speechless, sucker punched and wasn't honestly expecting what was happening to happen.

About Demons Daughter:

Constance and Andromeda (Dro) have been on run for so long. What have they been on the run from? They aren't that sure. They know have to run when all hell breaks loose at the families caravan at Owl Creek, hundreds of these creatures/demons killing every person in the caravan park including Constance and Dro's parents. Luckily Constance and Dro escape by the skin of their teeth and they know that there are demons out to get Dro because of how different she is from humans and of course her powerful abilities makes her powerful but they also don't know what Dro really is.

If running from strange demons isn't enough to handle Constance is wanted by a famous Mexican drug cartel called the Blood Thorns, notorious for killing people, torturing people and other horrific crimes. Constance was a Blood Thorn having to join them to keep Dro safe doing dirty deeds to keep the protection the Blood Thorns had offered but that protection broke when Constance ran from the cartel making them want Constance back. No one makes it alive when they run from Blood Thorns.

Constance was just a normal kid having lunch in a park with her parents just four years old when she comes across Dro a little baby abandoned in a forest since then onwards they have been as close as sisters and inseparable ever since. Constance slowly over the years found out just how special Dro is, capable of reading minds/emotions, healing people and when Dro has nightmares fire seeps from her every pore.

It is a race against time to run from the Blood Thorns, Demons but also to find out the truth about who Dre really is and find a way to stop the fire nightmares burning more places and people. That is until they find a Demonologist Manny and Max his son who has powers like Dro. Max can sense a persons power, future and can sense things about people. With their help they can ward of the demons  whilst uncovering what Dro really is.

How to find out more about Amy and her books:

Monday, 16 May 2016

My Top 5 Book Genres

We all have that section in the Bookstores where you instantly go too, with the genre you love the most providing hundreds of books for you to explore. We all have the go to genre where you feel most comfortable and happy.The top 5 I have chose are the ones that have made me feel every emotion there is including tears. They have inspired me to read more and even explore newer more estranged genres I wouldn't of thought to have checked out before.

The first genre is of course Young Adult (YA). I love YA I am still in the age range of YA as it seems more and more variety of ages read YA which I love as I don't think there should be an age range for since we all love reading different genres.

The second is Contemporary. I love a good contemporary novel though sometimes I find the lines get blurred between YA and Contemporary which is okay I guess. I love the sometimes simplicity of a contemporary novel, they can be light and fluffy, sometimes thats just what the doctor orders.

The third genre is Sc-Fi, this has been a new genre I have been exploring after I had finished A Game Of Thrones series by George RR Martin. The series gave me reasons to try something new. There were some books that I really love from Sc-Fi now.

The fourth is Classics. A lot of reading inspiration came from classics. They appeal to my soul in ever way possible. I love the era classic are in and the period costumes and the fact there are proper courting rules and people didn't just use tinder or something to find someone.

The fifth and last genre is Historical Fiction. As I was saying with Classics I love the era they are placed in even though the eras are a wide range.

Anastasia x

If You Like This Book You Will Like This Book....

Here are some book recommendations for books you may have read that I think pair up nicely. Some of the books I have chose have a loosely paired theme or even some of these book have made me feel the same. Obviously this is just based around my opinion and wanting to give a diverse opinion.

If you liked Wonder by R.A Palacio you will like Faceless by Alyssa Sheinmel

If you liked A Court Of Thorns And Roses you will like Beastly by Alex Flinn

If you liked Lets Get Lost by Sarah Manning you will like Candy by Kevin Brooks

If you liked Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce you will like Sweetly by Jackson Pearce

If you liked Angelfall by Susan Ee you will like Angel Fire by L.A Weatherly

If you liked Gallagher Girls Series by Ally Carter you will like The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

If you liked Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella you will like Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon

If you liked Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins you will like Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

If you liked Anne Frank you will like The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

If you liked Simon vs The Homosapien Agenda by Becky Albertini you will like I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson

If you liked Am I Normal Yet by Holly Bourne you will like All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

If you liked If I Stay by Gayle Forman you will like Landline by Rainbow Rowell

If you liked The Fault In Our Stars by John Green you will like Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

If you looked Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher you will like Hate List by Jennifer Brown

If you liked Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli you will like Girl in the Attic by Valerie Mendes

Hope some of you like the choices I have made.

Anastasia x

Thursday, 12 May 2016

5 Things I don't like about Young Adult (YA) Books.

So I have been reading YA for a few years now and when you read YA I tend to find books that I won't go near. Or just by reading the synopsis know that it's a YA book I really don't want to read.

So here is the 5 things I don't like about YA books.

  1. The YA books that have a love triangle in that doesn't actually need to be there. I'm just over the whole 'oh but I him but then again my heart belongs to the other guy'. I just can't stand the triangles.
  2. Books set in high school. I get that high school is important but doesn't really mean I want to read about the traumatic times in high school and the american high schools are so cliché in books with the cheerleader bitches and softball assholes.... I'll pass thanks.
  3. Books that have a love story in them that take over the book until there is nothing but a love story. In my opinion a book can be great without actually having to have a love story jammed in there for no good reason, I have read some great stories that have had love stories in them but it hash't token over the book it's just been nestled in there to make you feel the feels.
  4. Books about a summer fling. To me thats not a reality nor something I want to read about. The whole whirlwind summer romance thing is just too much for me.
  5. Books where the main character has the perfect unrealistic ending. I don't mind when the book has a good ending or even a cliffhanger, but I can't stand when there is a big unrealistic ending that didn't really need to be there. 

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Why Do I Read?

I started reading at 8, I took myself out of school officially and legally and started teaching myself. I was the most happiest when teaching myself random things that caught my interest. When I came out of school I still could not read nor write because of bad teachers and Learning Difficulties.

It took my a painful amount of time to begging reading, it started of small sentence broken up to small pieces and then more sentences wether it was on the internet or in educational books. The first book I actually read after teaching myself to read was Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. It took a while to get into with the old fashioned and complicated words but then all of a sudden I was captivated.

The biggest influence I had to read was the film adaptation Matilda, I loved how she could escape into a whole new world and how she became so smart at such a young age through the help of reading. I loved the library scene where she is still a toddler and walks herself to the library just to get a new book out.

After a time I began to fully get into reading, I would go to Car Boot sales and pick up a armful of books for a few pounds. I would go into Charity Shops and find books to read in there. One of the biggest book influences that kept me reading is Jacqueline Wilson and Cathy Cassidy. These two authors paved the way into the wonder book world.

Also a big part of me picking up and reading books was because of pretty covers, I am still happily the exact same when it comes to books.

I also needed an escape from real life, the books helped me live another life I wouldn't get to, I get to travel and live between the pages of books.

Anastasia x

Monday, 9 May 2016

The Opposite Book Tag

First book bought and the last?
I don't remember the first book I bought but I know my first book to read was Jayne Eyre Charlotte Brontë and the last was Throne of Glass by Sarah J Mass and Half Lost by Sally Green.

The cheapest book bought and the most exspensive?
I think most likely 99p or under and £7.99 or over.

A book based on a male protagonist/Female protagonist.

Wonder by R.J Palacio has a male Protagonist and Little Women by Lousia May Alcott has a female protagonist.

A book you read fast/Slow?

The first few Game Of Thrones by George R.R Martin went rather slowly for me and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell went fast for me.

Pretty cover/Ugly cover?

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton is incredibly pretty and Sweet 16 by Kate Brian was pretty ugly.

A national book/International?

Faceless by Alyssa Sheinmel for National and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen for International.

Thin paged book, thick paged book?

Uncle Montague Tales of Terror by Chris Priestley for Thin and A Game of Thrones by George R.R Martin for Thick.

Fiction/Non fiction?

For Fiction I am choosing Beastly by Alex Flinn and for Non fiction American Sniper by Chris Kyle.


Twilight by Stephanie Meyer for Romance and Sabriel by Garth Nix for Action.

Which one made you Happy/Sad?

Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella for Happy and For sad The Fault in our Stars by John Green.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

End Of Days by Susan Ee

To find the first book:
To find the second book:

This is the third and last book in Penryn and the End of Days.

So there was a lot to be patched up in the third book we have locusts, angels vs humans, raffe and his wings I mean there is a lot plus a lot of expectations on how the trilogy will end from my point.The last book was great it was a good ending that I was pleased with but it was the grand finale I was truly hoping for.

I loved the humour throughout the book especially considering whats happening it's quite refreshing. The comebacks and humour between Raffe and Penryn was so hilarious and greta too I really loved it, it gave the book a more personal twist.

The fight between Angels and Humans continues on by now they have created a new aerie at Alcatraz a prison before the apocalypse, where they grow and strengthen the locust using humans to feed their hunger. The humans are fighting back The Resistance gets stronger and stronger devising attacks and gaining more people along the way.

Penryn has found her family trying to keep them together no matter what, The Resistance are not keen on the escapees from the aerie knowing they are not exactly human coming alive when they were sure they were dead. Penryn has a bounty out for her after she kills an Angel in an attack being named 'The Angel Slayer' claiming anyone who brings her to the angels gets immunity and safety from the Angels.

Raffe still hasn't gotten his wings after going into surgery and being tricked into leaving his old feathered wings in exchange for bat wings, a sign of hell meaning he could never return with the other Angels because of them.

The trials for the Messenger from god is getting closer with Angels getting wary and Uriel scheming and creating human beasts trying to make a plague to set onto the humans to try and finish them off once and for all.

Anastasia x

Friday, 6 May 2016

Books I Couldn't Read Again

These are for the books that I didn't like, dragged on or were just too much, didn't have a good story in the first place, the abuse of swear words, didn't end how I wanted it to, the first one wasn't good in the series or maybe the second one didn't live up to the first books standard. There are a few I wouldn't read again on this list but there are a few of the books on here that I might possibly read again just to see if I still don't like them.

  • Duff by Kody Keplinger
  • Me Earl And The Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews 
  • Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer
  • Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
  • Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
  • The World Of Odysseus by Moses Finley
  • My Sister Lives On The Mantlepiece by Annabel Pitcher
  • Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater 
  • The Host by Stephanie Meyer
  • Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
  • The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig
  • Red Glove by Holly Black
  • My So Called Life by Joanna Nadin
  • It's About Love by Steven Camden 
  • Saving Private Ryan by Allan Max Collins 
  • Mercy by Rebecca Lim 

10 Best Book Covers

I love book covers. Wether they are actually relevant to the book or not I'm a sucker for a good cover, it makes me want to buy a book forget the synopsis I would rather just see a good book cover.

I've seen some great book covers and also so pretty bad covers but here is the greets book covers I own.

  • Beautiful Dead by Eden Maguire

    • Switched by Amanda Hocking

    • Emerald by Karen Wallace 

    • Fangir by Rainbow Rowell 

    • Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

    • The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig 

    • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

    • Angelfall Series by Susan Ee

    • Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

    • Carry On by Rainbow Rowell 

    Thursday, 5 May 2016

    World After by Susan Ee

    This is the second book in the Penryn & The End of Days Trilogy. To check out my review of Anglefall the first book in the trilogy click the link

    After the world is ruined by the freak storm controlling the land and the Angels taking kids to be experimented and turned into fighting flying scorpions or 'Locusts' as they are calling them, nothing will be the same again.Penryn was stung viciously by one of the Locusts and her family, the resistance and Raffe all think she is dead from the attack from the locusts. Little do they know that the locusts sting only paralyses people not actually killing them.

    This all started when Penryn and Raffe find the aerie, both for their own reasons. Penryn is desperate to find her little sister and save her from the angels and Raffe needs to get his wings transferred back onto him before the wings die. They get to the aerie, it's packed with human waiters and angels drinking, dancing generally acting like they aren't in a war with humans nor taking the children.

    They find Josiah the only Angel that might be willing to help Raffe get his wings on his back again. He goes off with Josiah leaving Penryn to go find her little sister Paige, she enlists the help of one of the resistance people who knows where Paige might be.

    Everything spirals out of control when Penry goes to where Paige might be, the place is full of tubes, in the tubes there is people some of which had just been at the aerie, they have the scorpion locusts in the tubes draining the human lives, Penryn delves deeper into the place and finds children stacked upon children all stitched up around their bodies looking half dead.

    The book wasn't as good as the first one but not the worst continuation of a trilogy I have read, I liked the way the book continued straight from where the last one finished. The book is a great peace and had a lot of problems come up in the book to keep you focused on what was going on.

    I liked how Penryn progressed in the World After book because she became more herself and her character blossomed in the second book more than the first.

    Anastasia x

    Books I Wouldn't Mind Living In

    One of these books I have not read but is so popular and the films make me want to live in there is Harry Potter. The rest I have actually read but the reasons I would like to live in them differ. Some are for the jobs, animals, the places, forests, the character themselves and many other reasons.

    • Hogwarts in Harry Potter by J.K Rowling 
    • Switched by Amanda Hocking 
    • Jayne Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
    • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
    • Little Women by Lousia May Alcott
    • Crow Mountain by Lucy Inglis 
    • Gallagher Girls Series by Ally Carter 
    • Pretty much any Cathy Cassidy book
    • Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger
    • Shiver/Linger/Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
    • Paper Towns by John Green 
    • Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot 
    • Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    • Divergent by Veronica Roth
    • The Host by Stephanie Meyer
    • Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
    • Victoria and the Rouge/ Nicola and the Viscount by Meg Cabot
    • My Sister The Vampire Series by Sienna Mercer
    • Midnight by Jacqueline Wilson 
    • Angelfall Series by Susan Ee
    • Carry On by Rainbow Rowell 
    • Matched Series by Ally Condie 
    • The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn - Barnes
    • Hidi  by Johanna Spyri 

    Wednesday, 4 May 2016

    20 Books That Made Me Question Life

    We all have the books that made you question life, wether they made you question the way you think, act, love or even just make you think above and beyond anything you ever thought of.

    For me personally the books are like gold, they make me who I am, they help make me a better person, the books make a change that I don't thin I could make without books. They help teach and educate me. These books are from an eclectic mix of genres, some are a few years old in publication and some are fairly new.

    Some of the reasons I picked these books are because they made me appreciate the time we have with others, the need to tell people you love them, getting over bullying, struggling with mental health and a bunch of over wide ranging reasons.

    So here is my top 20:

    • Faceless by Alyssa Sheinmel
    • Wonder by R.J. Palacio
    • The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
    • Am I Normal Yet by Holly Bourne 
    • Beautiful Dead by Eden Maguire 
    • American Sniper by Chris Kyle 
    • Matched by Ally Condie 
    • Paper Towns by John Green
    • Stolen by Lucy Christopher 
    • Gallagher Girls Girls by Ally Carter 
    • Me Before You by Jojo Moyes 
    • Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
    • Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
    • A Game Of Thrones by George R.R Martin
    • A Work In Progress by Conor Franta
    • Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon 
    • Beastly by Alex Flinn
    • If I Stay by Gayle Forman 
    • Just One Day by Gayle Forman 
    • My Sister Jodie by Jacqueline Wilson

    Tuesday, 3 May 2016

    Storm Born by Amy Braun

    It's amazing to be reviewing Amy's books for her, Amy is an extremely talented writer bringing the unthinkable to life.

    I really enjoyed reading Storm Born it was witty even when the situation deemed unhumorous, incredibly visual throughout the entirety of the book and was just all round perfection.

    I think it was great that Amy had the storm in the book personally because that sort of devastation is real in real life and from my point of view I only see these sort of storms on the news. This book has helped me understand the devastation that happens when these sort of storms happen.

    The book is based on a lady called Ava who lives in Florida, Ava and her family are normal but the world is anything but. The Centennial has arrived, storms across the world appear Dust storms, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzards rack the entire world reaching havoc and destruction by aliens called the Stormkind. Nowhere is safe.

    Ava and her family are hit by a massive ocean flood through Florida making it life threatening for those who didn't win the special safe guard lottery or those who are not rich to find a proper place to hide and be safe. Ava and her dad need to get the family into the basement but because of her dads back they cannot shut the iron heavy door.

    They have to make a decision, who goes down to the basement with Ava's mum and little brother, or who tries to shut the door and stop the flood coming into their home. Ave makes the decision to try and shut the door making her dad go safely to the basement but she can't shut the iron door and the flood keeps pooling in the house. Ava decides to leave the house and go to one of the Storm Protection Union stations to try and get help.

    Things go drastically wrong when Ava tries to swim in the flood where she finds a Stormkind wreaking havoc from across the street, he controls the storm making the flood and lightning more intense when he wants the storm to. The stormkind finds Ava's neighbour, using his powers the stormkind brings her neighbour to him and sucks his life away.

    Ava can't believe what she has just witnessed it was said that these creatures were not real even when there was photos no one believe they were real. Until now. The stormkind notices Ava and wants her, he manipulates the flood so that Ava gets closer and closer to hime, there is no doubt that he wants to kill her.

    Out of sheer luck someone saves her from the Stormkind or that is what she thinks until the mystery saviour puts a dagger through her chest. Ava wakes up in agony and a foggy memory not knowing that she had been unconscious and missing for a week.

    Things get stranger and stranger for Ava, people want to kidnap and kill her, a mysterious guy hands her a dagger to protect herself.

     Want to find out more about Amy and her books?