I was honoured to read this book, The Book Thief has been listed in the top 100 must reads by newspapers and was made into a movie adaptation a few years ago. The book inspired me, made me cherish reading and made me even more passionate about my love for books in general.
The book is about a little girl called Liesel who was traveling to Germany to live with a foster family with her little brother. Sadly her brother passes away before they both make it to their new destination and has a little funeral near the train tracks, there is a opportunity to steal a book, this is in fact the first of a few books Liesel steals.
More problems arise when her new stepfather hides a jewish person in their home, hides them form the Nazis and the eyes of the rest of the street. Liesl gets more and more desperate to steal books as her hunger for reading grows more by the day.
Extraordinary book.
Anastasia x
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