Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Why I Support Books Rather Than Digital Books.

This is just my opinion and the points I bring up are personal to me and what I feel. Obviously not everyone will agree with my opinion but that is okay.

The thing is physical books convey more than what is written within the pages. I mean the experience and memory committed to your mind when you walk into the bookstore, taking in a big breathe, smelling the book smell, it's priceless. I feel you don't get that luxury when shopping on Amazon Online.

You don't get to experience holding the book, smelling the book, opening the first page of the book, closing the book when you finish the book knowing that you have finished the book, feeling the textures of the books you loose that when you aren't buying a physical copy of a book and cheaper than buying physical books.

There are of course upsides to having Kindle book and the other types of electronic books. You can put thousands of books onto the device and take them everywhere and never run out of books, it's lighter to pack a device, great for travelling, easier to get published for electronic books and cheaper.

But there are downsides. Device being stolen or broken, battery dying, charging the device the more often you use the device, the comfort a physical book can give you,can hurt your eyes or damage them, the physical attraction of a physical book and not forgetting all the experiences and textures you get with a book.

I am slightly old fashioned and would much rather read a physical book under candlelight whilst tucked up in bed. For me nothing could bring me more happiness or comfort than a physical book.

But there are two things that electronic books and books have in common. Not good in rainy conditions and both hurt when you drop them on feet or face!!

Anastasia x

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