Saturday, 5 March 2016

Why I Judge A Book Buy It's Cover

So before I start I'm just going to put out there that this is just my own opinion some willagree and some won't and I respect evryones opinion. Also this is just with books I don't judge people or any of that crap.

I'm not really sure when I started byuing books for just thier book cover it must of been a few years ago and as it happens I have only disliked twobooks that I have ve picked up purley for the covers.

What attracts me to a book cover?

  • Bright Colours. I love bright colours, they instantly attract my attention. 
  • Bold or Hand Written Font.  It makes the book more personal and special in my opinion. 
  • A Forest. I am obsessed with forests I really love them and to me it makes the book stand out. 
  • Picture. Any sort really. 
  • People.  I really like seeing people on the cover of the book I think for me it gives it a certain relatable aspect. 
  • Strangeness. I like strange or different covers that aren't exactly 'normal' it makes them feel special and origanal and makes me feel happy. 
  • Angel Wings/Feathers. They are two things that triggers emotions when I see them on a cover and then I can't resist buying the book. 
These points have at some point in my life made me buy a book without reading about the book at all. I think not finding out about the actual book gives a certain mystery and excitement to when you start reading a book and slowly figure out what the book is about.

Also I feel if a cover is great it shows how much the author is proud of thier own book and actually believes in the book.  Like the amazing Jacqueline Wilsin who has the illustrator Nick Sharett designs the cover of her books,he has been creating covers for JQ for years now and I have loved her book and also the designs for so long now. 

So that is why I jude a book by a cover. 
Anastasia x

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